Mining Shrine

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Mining Shrine
Mining Shrine

Mining is one of the main activities in which a player can engage while playing ATT. Currently, it is one of two ways to get Ore from Ore Veins (the other being Dynamite), and indirectly the only way to get ingots for Blacksmith. Overtime, players will gather experience from their repeated activities and level up. Upon leveling up, a player is able to go to a shrine, such as the Mining Shrine, and purchase a Skill.

The Mining Shrine allows players to obtain Skills associated with the Mining profession. Typically, these skills increase a players ability to mine effectively. Overall, this falls into three broad categories: Increasing mining speed, decreasing gathering time and increasing a player's ability to navigate the mines. A player that has devoted time to this profession can usually mine much faster than a new player.

List of skills

Below are the various skills that a player can purchase. However, some skills have prerequisites, so not all skills are available to every player. Furthermore, as of, the maximum number of skills a player may have is eight. Since there are nine skills in the mining skill tree, it is guaranteed that a player cannot have all nine at any one time. Below is a picture of the skill tree (please disregard the blue lines. The player who took this picture already had three skills bought).

Gathering Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining gatheringstone.png
'Gathering Skill:' Basic Stones- Can be used to gather Coal, Sandstone, Flint and Stone by shaking a bag of the desired item up and down till a wind-like animation occurs. Throwing this bag will cause it to suck/absorb all the nearby items.
Mining gatheringore.png
'Gathering Skill: Ores-' Very similar to the above gathering skill, but works for the various ores found in the mine: Copper, Gold, Iron, Silver and Mythril. As a note, neither skill works on crystals or crystal shards.

Power Strike Skills

Power Strike Skills
Mining powerstrike1.png
'Power Strike 1:' Upon striking an Ore Vein with a pickaxe, three times, the fourth hit will cause a beam of light to shine from above and strike the rock. The strength of this beam mimics the properties of the pickaxe that triggered it.
Mining powerstrike2.png
'Power Strike 2:' An upgraded version of Power Strike 1. With this upgrade, the skill will trigger every two hits, instead of three.

Dynamite Strike Skills

Dynamite Strike Skills
Mining dynamitestrike1.png
'Dynamite Strike 1:' The skill is activated by raising a tool with the mining damage subtype (Usually a pickaxe) above the players head, then striking an Ore Vein after the animation/audio occurs. This will cause another small animation that mimics an explosion. All ore veins that this animation touches will by damaged by an amount marginally greater than a normal pickaxe strike.
Mining dynamitestrike2.png
'Dynamite Strike 2:' An upgraded version of Dynamite Strike 1. It has a larger area of effect and a significant increase in damage.

Echolocation Skills

Echolocation Skills
Mining echolocation.png
'Echolocation:' The skill is activated by raising a pickaxe above the players head, waiting till the animation/audio has occured, then striking the ground. A ring of blue light will travel along the terrain, effectively showing how the terrain changes over a certain distance.
Mining echolocationpowerup.png
'Echolocation PowerUp:' An upgrade for Echolocation. This increasess the size of the ring that is generated by hitting the ground.
Mining echolocationrangeup.png
'Echolocation RangeUp:' An upgrade (Obtainable along with the Echolocation PowerUp) that increases the distance that the echolocation ring will travel before dissappearing.


The Mining Shrine is likely the easiest of the shrines to access on a new server. It can be accessed by Repairing a bridge (300 Stone) located along the path near the Mines. It is however possible to reach the Mining Shrine by traversing with teleport arcs across the rocky terrain next to the Televator. This route does not require building the bridge, but needs precise navigation and attention, as one wrong teleport can force you to start from the beginning again. Below is a series of pictures that could help guide a player, but a few essential details (such as how to get to the location in the first picture) are left out in order to promote a degree of exploration. Nevertheless, if you desire more information, please ask in the official Discord, or find a veteran player in game.

List of other shrines

These are the other current shrines found in the game (from Category:Shrines):