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Changes provided the following changes:

  • A Tutorial Tale
    • There are now tutorial servers for new players to go through before starting the main game!
    • These appear as 'A Tutorial Tale' servers on the server board.
    • Tutorial tasks must be completed to see the main game servers in the main menu.
    • Tutorial tasks carry between servers, so if you're interrupted for some reason, you can resume later or on another server.
    • Players can return to the tutorial server if they wish.
    • PvP is outright disabled on tutorial servers.
    • You don't need to customize your character for it, and nothing saves in the tutorial server.
  • SteamVR Update
    • SteamVR Input bindings support, you can now properly setup input mapping using SteamVR's binding UI.
    • Knuckles Support (for those lucky people out there)
    • Free Gesture mode for Knuckles and Oculus Touch controllers, this setting disables the traditional gesture input in favor of active gesturing.
    • More subtle haptics.
  • Wyrm Balances
    • Reduced max spawn of Wyrms.
    • Fixed issue where Wyrms didn't rotate to face their targets.
    • Improvements to Wyrm spit collision detection.
    • Wyrms slightly less likely to spit in your face when you go for a weaponized hug.
    • Reduced spit rate of Wyrms.
    • Reduced damage and crippling damage done from Wyrm spit.
    • Wyrms no longer spawn immediately in the same spot as a recently felled Wyrm.
    • Smoother spitting transition animation for Wyrms. Should be easier to predict when they pull back to spit at you.
  • PVP Balancing
    • We're reducing the amount of damage players deal to each other.
    • This is to have less 1 hit kill scenarios, and to let you react to combat better.
    • You deal more damage to players on the PvP server, than you do on the co-op servers with these new settings.
    • This gives a bit more nuance to dueling, but may still change in the future, as lower tier weapons and rusty arrows are now very ineffective against players.

  • Fixed issue where one of the metal handles allowed for more weapon parts than normal.
    • (You could have made a double greatsword, with double short sword types hiding beneath them, with crystals shards inside them. But not anymore, KAKAKA.)
    • This may cause some irregularities if your weapon was like this, or nothing at all.
  • Fixed XP gain inconsistencies.
  • Improved reliability of Post Boxes, ATMs and Trade Decks.
    • There were some issues with the underlying system with them, things should be better, but keep an eye out on this one.
  • Fixed instances where one strike with multiple blades would instantly proc power strike abilities.
    • We know this is pretty cool, but we'll see if we can do something a bit more controlled as a future ability?
  • Tweaked cripple values of weapons. Hammers now deal high cripple damage, along with shotel blades and scythes, as well as the forked arrows in camps.
    • Cripple value only really applies for PVP at the moment. This will let you diversify your build if you need to keep a target in place.
  • Fixed issue where spriggull meat didn't give the stat boost for their assorted stew when stewed.
  • Nerfed hunger return from blueberries, apples, and basic mushrooms.
  • EDIT:
    • Added setting to "Run first, and toggle to walk" in the first settings tab. (Locomotion settings, on the top right.)
    • Added setting to "Disable haptics when toggle-holding items." This can help save battery.

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