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was released on the 14th of May 2019 and was succeeded by


provided the following changes: 
  • Upgraded engine to Unity 2018
    • Physics Engine Update (new PhysX version, means better physics?)
    • New Post Processing Effects. (Post processing on rendering was updated, might notice tiny changes in how things look.)
    • New possibilities with particle systems. (Easier to make fancy motions, and we'll be changing how light affects some of them in the future.)
    • Many workflow changes for us. (Is this good? We'll see how this plays out!)

  • Mystery Ruins (Spoilers)
    • Teleporter/Elevator for Caves added.
    • Players can find ruins on top of the mine entrance that requires repair.
    • Ruins can be found in the caves, repairing these will allow players to warp back to the surface, and from the surface back to these ruins.
    • It costs resources to travel up and down.
      • Traveling down consumes stocked resources at origin + destination. (So both where you come from, and where you're going needs to have stock.)
      • Traveling up only consumes at origin. (The surface structure can be empty, but you need to have stock in the caves to go up.)

  • Increased crafting configurations of some medium and long handles.
  • Added two new handles to the game, found via chiseling recipe book.
  • Added Stone Boulders in a few locations in the Overworld.
    • These will grant flint and regular stone, and respawn relatively regularly.
  • Controller Changes:
    • Controller actions were properly split.
      • Teleport and running are different concepts now.
    • WMR reworked
      • Alongside changes for all controls, we've remapped the default inputs for WMR, including toggle running on the trigger to avoid SteamVR popup appearing from joystick press.
    • Your SteamVR may act up, if you have a custom control scheme, or if SteamVR doesn't take in the new bindings, swap to the default one. If it refuses to do that, edit and save the default scheme as a 'custom' one to force SteamVR to accept it.
  • Fixed issue where Gourds would break randomly when taken out of backpacks.
    • Increased throwing velocity required to break Gourds in general as well.
  • Wooden buckets now hold 5 portions of liquids, increased from 3.
  • Fixed exploit with Smelter.
  • Reduced rate at which fuel is consumed by Recycler.
    • Approximately a 1/4 of previous consumption rate.
  • Reduced light intensity of the Recycler.
  • Fixed issue where damaged/worn weapons would not appear to glow when heated up.
  • Fixed issue where players could not complete 'wave down' skill trigger in blacksmithing skill tree training.
  • Fixed issue where following the circular shield piece recipe created the wrong shield piece.
  • Tweaks to Wyrm spawn locations in caves.
  • Cranked up blueness of water in potion bottles.
  • Fixed issue with the server board shifting servers. It'll now try to keep the servers in their position when it refreshes, if a server is missing, it will move the selector off any other server.

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