The Great Crashening

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This article is a Silly Article. It should not be taken too seriously.

The Great Crashening began around March 10th 2019 where hundreds of new Townies burst through the "gates" and wreaked havoc upon the EU and US servers.

V2: The crashening V2 is upon us. We're screwed.

The Great Trashening

During The Great Crashening, buildings like the Blacksmith's and Carpentry Shop got their items stolen. Hammers, Chisels, Attachments and Handles lost to the new townies, who had not yet learned the ways of co-operation.

V2: There is nothing left. but glitched handles, bones and feathers

The Great Smashening

The influx of townies, armed with their new weapons stolen from veterans and other noobs alike, laid a pointless siege upon the US and EU servers. PKing, griefing, and otherwise being obnoxious was the new norm, and order could hardly be established. The darkest days of the Crashening to be certain.

V2: Luckily, the PVP server has been born, and co-op servers have combat practically disabled. We safe from this one this time bois.

The Great Lashening

Some of the new townies were unaware of the quick change in performance, and assumed the game was meant to be like this. They lashed out at the devs, and complained about a game that isn't even in alpha yet god dammit

V2: Probably due to the crashener's viewer's age range, this has just got worse.

The Great Laggening

Since the servers were not used to all these players, they had a tough time, lag spikes happening every few seconds, large server freezes lasting minutes, and worst of all, players getting suddenly disconnected without warning.

V2: Loads of frame lag now. Holy heck like seriously.

The Great Repopulating

Not all of these new players brought chaos, however. Some were given tours of the town, and shown the basics of each Profession, ending up being respectable members of our world.

V2: Less of this is happening. May Alta have mercy

The Great Buffening

After seeing what happened, our grand creators buffed the servers, and saved us all from the eternal lag spike. Thank you, mighty overlords. PRAISE BE. (EU broke right after but shhhh irrelevant info)

V2: Crashening V2 has entirely negated this, and now the lag is worse than ever. We just have to pray the new players don't think it's always like this.

Why did this happen?

Some lad named Disrupt put out a popular video about spending a week in VR. Another video by him listed ATT as a solid VRMMO, and thus, the waves entered. May the god Joel have mercy on our souls.

V2: Some bob guy made another video on it god dammit here we go again. Ben Plays VR also showcased the game on his channel, which can be attributed to some players joining as well. Basically, we’re fricked.